About Us

Our mission is to provide an array of car accessories to all the hot rods in the world. Rather this is your first car or a collector. Nique's Hot Rod Shop will bring joy to the interior & exterior of your hot rod.

It was September 17, 2020 when our founder Dashanique K. J. purchased her 2018 Dodge Challenger GT, a beautiful white knuckle ride. This had been her dream car since she was a little girl. Her grandpa owned a 1970 Dodge Challenger RT in a bright red color. Her grandpa would buy Dashanique's brother a toy replica one every Christmas year in a different shade. Dashanique told herself that would be her first car one day. She told everyone who would listen about her car dreams, many family members laughed with doubt. Her mom said no one gets their dream car their first time, just settle for a raggedy hoopty/lemon. Many salesmen at dealerships tried to persuade her to go with a Honda Civic or a Kia Forte stating that's too much car for her regarding the Challenger. 

Well, Dashanique proved so many wrong. Going from riding a yellow huffy bike to a dodge challenger. She didn't settle. Working day & night, she finally achieved one of her dreams. Accessorizing her GT is a fun hobby. She created this store to help others decorate their hot rods. With these products we want to help make you feel proud of your hot rod. Whether it's a Challenger or not, it's up to you. From getting a new steering wheel cover, adding that bumper sticker or switching out for a fun new scent. Nique's Hot Rod Shop got your back.